A while back I put together a guide on how to get boblight working on the Raspberry Pi.
(If you’re unsure what boblight is/does, then check out these videos)
This involved compiling boblightd and installing a custom build of XBMC, however Sam Nazarko has now incorporated these modifications into the standard Raspbmc build meaning it is now even easier to get boblight up and running on your Raspberry Pi.
On the software side of things, you can now skip most of the original PiBob guide as you only need to complete the following steps:
- 1.1 – Install Raspbmc
- 3.1 – Create/configure boblight.conf
- 4.3 – Create/configure boboptions.txt
- *New step* – enable boblight in Raspbmc settings
The hardware setup remains exactly the same as before.
For a performance boost you can replace the standard boblightd with Speedy’s optimized version:
sudo -s initctl stop boblight wget http://download.raspbmc.com/downloads/bin/boblight-201306.tar.gz tar -xzf boblight-201306.tar.gz -C / rm boblight-201306.tar.gz reboot
Thanks to Sam for the above code.
If you have any issues with the old, full method, or the new method above then please leave a comment below, thanks.
Hey Everyone! I tried to create a ambilight and i just can’t.
When i write sudo boblight it says /dev/spi0.0 connection time out
and it try to continue..
What can it be?